September 12, 2011

Where do ideas come from?

We were talking about creative ideas in our advertising class, so one of my instructors asked this question in class today (where do ideas come from)... everyone pretty much went silent. I thought about it really hard, and came up with, "What does she mean?"

Then thought, well I guess they're like a combination of all your history and experiences mixed with your personality and emotions of the day - complicated.

Turns out she was just referring to creative briefs and research you do on your own... good thing I didn't raise my hand. I would've instantly been labeled as the nerdy kid in class who tries too hard and comes up with crazy philosophical answers. (Hmm, not a bad title... maybe I'll try for it later).

 Advertising has been a great class so far. I am learning that the creative field of advertising is a passion of mine. And so is working with people.

We met our advertising client for our term projects today at the U of M Smartpark. It was C3A and we are doing an ad campaign for the MTS Ultimate Events Calendar (channel 88). Check it out - it's up and running already. We'll be making an ad campaign for them this Fall.

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