3% of traffic on Twitter is related to Justin Bieber - gross.
According to a recent study, there’s been a “69% increase in scripted profanity” on television - thx to $#!T my Dad says...
According to a recent poll of Americans' views of various industries, advertisers are no longer at the bottom (yay! my future career), the oil and gas industry is now at the bottom - ha ha, they have gas.
Canada is the tenth most frequent trafficker on Facebook, behind Turkey - mmm.. turkey.
What's the next biggest search engine, behind the mammoth Google? Well, oddly enough, it's actually YouTube. It even surpasses Yahoo, Bing & Ask.com - Side note: Bieber was also the most watched vid on YouTube...
To fit with Valentine's Day and love, here's a related video. I am the best man in my brother's wedding and I hope I don't do this:
Shoutout to Paul Chapman and Stacie Wiebe - hope this doesn't happen on August 19th!
Additional shoutouts to Mike and Amy - August 27th, and Carla and Adam - June 30th
Additional shoutouts to Mike and Amy - August 27th, and Carla and Adam - June 30th
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