You've probably heard, When in Rome, do as the Romans (also from Anchorman, "When in Rome," -Ron Burgundy)
There are a few things Canadians do just because they're polite. And I do them too, and most of the time I don't know why. But if you're in Rome, you better do as the Romans.
First of all, we Canadians say thank-you to the bus driver when we get off everyday. Despite it being his job, and him probably being fired if he DIDN'T drive us - we still say "Thanks." (I don't want to sound like a jerk here, I say thanks too. I tried not saying it once - man did I feel like an idiot. Also side note: Bus drivers can be female.)
Also we say sorry even if it's not our fault. I bumped into a woman on the sidewalk because I was texting - SHE said "sorry" even though I was the one walking, and she was just standing there. (Side note: no one was hurt).
We say sorry when we are doing legitimate things. Knock on a bathroom door and the person will probably say, "Oh sorry, just a minute," (like yeah, how dare you poop or pee, you jerk).
Or when we buy things, let's say retail. The cashier will take your money, and when you leave, say "Thanks," which is followed by a "Thanks" from us, the customer. Why are we saying thanks?? We paid good money for that!? (Thanks for the opportunity to trade money for goods and services?)
The last one is the most illogical. We tip delivery drivers. Why? I don't know. Usually you tip a server for good service - the nicer they are, the bigger the tip. But a delivery driver is just driving. They aren't even the one on the phone taking your order. For all you know, the delivery driver is throwing down a thousand curses in the car because of your confusing address.
But then they ring the door bell, give you your pizza, and collect the tip. (Side note: I used to be a delivery driver, and I never threw more than 999 curses in the car.)
You might be thinking, come on Jon, that's too harsh, the tip is for finding your house. Well, it's their job. And they have GPS now. With GPS you can basically make a laser-guided missile, so they should be able to find your house (not actually sure about the missile).
Have we gone too far Canadians? Saying sorry when it's not even our fault, or when we are legitimately in the bathroom, and tipping delivery drivers?
Well, over the years I've learned to accept the way things are and say, When in Rome...
Molson polite Canadians commercial - 30 seconds
Molson is trying to get some attention by going against the polite Canadian stereotype, but it's kind of reinforcing it by reminding everyone. (Side note: it's kind of ironic that we are so polite, but we love a pretty rough sport like hockey.)
Someone needs to apologize for this confusion.
Sorry for the length. Thanks for reading.
Thanks for the blog post, Jon.
ReplyDeleteNo, really.
haha you got me there for a second.